Quick quiz... which film had its premiere in the City of Angels on this date, one thousand, nine hundred, and thirty-nine years after my main man Jesus Christ came into our world?

Give up?

Well... I won't tell you. I hope you find the answer for yourself and report back to me!

Until then, I'd like for you to consider this... do we have real-life wizards walking amongst us?

In 1947, two wizards worked together to free a nation that had lived under the harsh duress of an outside force. One of them was pictured on the thumbnail but the other is not as well known around the world.

This particular wizard gave an impassioned speech in which he said... 

"Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially."

What was this tryst he spoke of? I know. I was a part of the process that wrote that tryst.

Will you read my tryst or will you write your own? 


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